Source code for pep.pep


import collections  # for named tuple && Counter (multisets)
import re  # for regex
from enum import IntEnum # for enumerations (enum from C)
import logging # for logging functions
import random # for stochastic chosing of programs
import time # for time.time()
import math # for productionFunction evaluation of math functions

# auxiliary definitions
[docs]class OperatorType(IntEnum): """Enumeration of operator types, ordered by precedence in calculus""" left_brace = 1 # right brace is never added to the postfix stack eq = 2 # a == b ne = 3 # a != b lt = 4 # a < b le = 5 # a <= b gt = 6 # a > b ge = 7 # a >= b add = 8 subtract = 9 multiply = 10 divide = 11 power = 12 negate = 13 # trigonometric functions # Functions that end with 'd' use degrees instead of radians sin = 14 sind = 15 asin = 16 asind = 17 cos = 18 cosd = 19 acos = 20 acosd = 21 tan = 22 tand = 23 atan = 24 atand = 25 atan2 = 26 atan2d = 27 cot = 28 cotd = 29 acot = 30 acotd = 31 # generic functions sqrt = 32 abs = 33 log = 34 # base e (natural) logarithm log10 = 35 # base 10 logarithm log2 = 36 # base 2 logarithm
# end class OperatorType dictOperatorTypes = { 'OPERATOR_ADD': OperatorType.add, 'OPERATOR_SUBTRACT': OperatorType.subtract, 'OPERATOR_NEGATE': OperatorType.negate, 'OPERATOR_MULTIPLY': OperatorType.multiply, 'OPERATOR_DIVIDE': OperatorType.divide, 'OPERATOR_POWER': OperatorType.power, 'OPERATOR_EQUAL': OperatorType.eq, 'OPERATOR_NOT_EQUAL':, 'OPERATOR_LESS_THAN':, 'OPERATOR_LESS_EQUAL': OperatorType.le, 'OPERATOR_GREATER_THAN':, 'OPERATOR_GREATER_EQUAL':, 'FUNCTION_SIN': OperatorType.sin, 'FUNCTION_SIND': OperatorType.sind, 'FUNCTION_ASIN': OperatorType.asin, 'FUNCTION_ASIND': OperatorType.asind, 'FUNCTION_COS': OperatorType.cos, 'FUNCTION_COSD': OperatorType.cosd, 'FUNCTION_ACOS': OperatorType.acos, 'FUNCTION_ACOSD': OperatorType.acosd, 'FUNCTION_TAN': OperatorType.tan, 'FUNCTION_TAND': OperatorType.tand, 'FUNCTION_ATAN': OperatorType.atan, 'FUNCTION_ATAND': OperatorType.atand, 'FUNCTION_ATAN2': OperatorType.atan2, 'FUNCTION_ATAN2D': OperatorType.atan2d, 'FUNCTION_COT': OperatorType.cot, 'FUNCTION_COTD': OperatorType.cotd, 'FUNCTION_ACOT': OperatorType.acot, 'FUNCTION_ACOTD': OperatorType.acotd, 'FUNCTION_SQRT': OperatorType.sqrt, 'FUNCTION_ABS': OperatorType.abs, 'FUNCTION_LOG': OperatorType.log, 'FUNCTION_LOG10': OperatorType.log10, 'FUNCTION_LOG2': OperatorType.log2, } # tuple used to describe parsed data Token = collections.namedtuple('Token', ['type', 'value', 'line', 'column']) ########################################################################## # class definitions
[docs]class NumericalPsystem(): """Numerical P systems class :ivar array(str) H: array of strings (names of membranes) :ivar dict membranes: map (dictioanry) between String membrane_name: Membrane object :ivar MembraneStructure structure: MembraneStructure object (list of structural elements) [1 [2 ]2 ]1 :ivar list(Pobject) variables: list of Pobjects that appear throughtout the P system :ivar list(Pobject) enzymes: list of enzyme Pobjects that appear throughtout the P system :ivar file csvFile: file used for Comma Separated Value output """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.H = [] self.membranes = {} self.structure = None self.variables = [] self.enzymes = [] self.csvFile = None
[docs] def runSimulationStep(self): """Runs 1 simulation step consisting of executing one program (production & dispersion functions) for all membranes that have programs If a membrane has more than one program, one is chosen randomly for execution""" # production phase for all membranes for membraneName in self.H: membrane = self.membranes[membraneName] if (len(membrane.programs) < 1): continue logging.debug("Production for membrane %s" % membraneName) # if this membrane does not use enzymes if (len(membrane.enzymes) == 0): membrane.chosenProgramNr = 0 if len(membrane.programs) == 1 else random.randint(0, len(membrane.programs) - 1) else: membrane.chosenProgramNr = [] for prgNr, prg in enumerate(membrane.programs): if (prg.isActivatedByEnzyme()): logging.debug("Program %d activated by enzyme %s" % (prgNr, membrane.chosenProgramNr.append(prgNr) try: # if this membrane does not use enzymes if (len(membrane.enzymes) == 0): # produce a new value membrane.newValue = membrane.programs[membrane.chosenProgramNr].prodFunction.evaluate() else: membrane.newValue = [membrane.programs[prgNr].prodFunction.evaluate() for prgNr in membrane.chosenProgramNr ] except RuntimeError: logging.error("Error encountered during production function of membrane %s, program %s" % (membraneName, membrane.chosenProgramNr)) # re-raise the exception to stop the simulator raise ## reset variable phase logging.debug("Resetting all variables that are part of production functions to 0") for variable in self.variables: if (variable.wasConsumed): variable.value = 0 variable.wasConsumed = False # if the program it is part of will be executed again, it will be marked as consumed ## reset enzymes phase logging.debug("Resetting all enzymes that are part of production functions to 0") for enzyme in self.enzymes: if (enzyme.wasConsumed): enzyme.value = 0 enzyme.wasConsumed = False # if the program it is part of will be executed again, it will be marked as consumed # distribution phase for all membranes for membraneName in self.H: membrane = self.membranes[membraneName] if (len(membrane.programs) < 1): continue # if this membrane uses enzymes (that allow multiple program execution) # and no program is active elif (type(membrane.chosenProgramNr) == list and len(membrane.chosenProgramNr) == 0): continue # if this membrane does not use enzymes if (type(membrane.chosenProgramNr) == int): logging.debug("Distribution for membrane %s of unitary value %.02f" % ( membraneName, membrane.newValue / membrane.programs[membrane.chosenProgramNr].distribFunction.proportionTotal)) # distribute the previously produced value membrane.programs[membrane.chosenProgramNr].distribFunction.distribute(membrane.newValue) # if this membrane uses enzymes (that allow multiple program execution) elif (type(membrane.chosenProgramNr) == list): for i in range(len(membrane.chosenProgramNr)): logging.debug("Distribution for membrane %s program %d of unitary value %.02f" % ( membraneName, membrane.chosenProgramNr[i], membrane.newValue[i] / membrane.programs[membrane.chosenProgramNr[i]].distribFunction.proportionTotal)) # distribute the previously produced value membrane.programs[membrane.chosenProgramNr[i]].distribFunction.distribute(membrane.newValue[i])"Simulation step finished succesfully")
# end runSimulationStep()
[docs] def simulate(self, stepByStepConfirm = False, printEachSystemState = True, maxSteps = -1, maxTime = -1): """Simulates the numericP system until one of the imposed limits is reached :stepByStepConfirm: True / False - whether or not to wait for confirmation before starting the next simulation step :printEachSystemState: True / False - whether or not to print the P system state after the execution ofeach simulation step :maxSteps: The maximmum number of simulation steps to run :maxTime: The maximum time span that the entire simulation can last""" currentStep = 1; # time.time() == time in seconds since the Epoch startTime = currentTime = time.time(); finalTime = currentTime + maxTime # write initial system state into csv file if (self.csvFile != None): self.csvFile.write("%d, %s, ,%s\n" % ( currentStep, ", ".join([str(var.value) for var in system.variables]), ", ".join([str(enz.value) for enz in system.enzymes]))) while (True):"Starting simulation step %d", currentStep) self.runSimulationStep() currentTime = time.time() if (self.csvFile != None): self.csvFile.write("%d, %s, ,%s\n" % ( currentStep, ", ".join([str(var.value) for var in system.variables]), ", ".join([str(enz.value) for enz in system.enzymes]))) if (printEachSystemState): self.print() if (stepByStepConfirm): input("Press ENTER to continue") # if there is a maximum time limit set and it was exceded if ((currentTime >= finalTime) and (maxTime > 0)): logging.warning("Maximum time limit exceeded; Simulation stopped") break # stop the simulation # if there is a maximum step limit set and it was exceded if ((currentStep >= maxSteps) and (maxSteps > 0)): logging.warning("Maximum number of simulation steps exceeded; Simulation stopped") break # stop the simulation currentStep += 1 #end while loop"Simulation finished succesfully after %d steps and %f seconds; End state below:" % (currentStep, currentTime - startTime)) self.print()
# end simulate()
[docs] def print(self, indentSpaces = 2, toString = False, withPrograms = False) : """Print the entire Numerical P system with a given indentation level :indentSpaces: number of spaces used for indentation :toString: write to a string instead of stdout :withPrograms: print out the programs from each membrane, along with the membrane variables :returns: string print of the membrane if toString = True otherwise returns None """ result = "" result += "num_ps = {\n" for membraneName in self.H: membrane = self.membranes[membraneName] result += " " * indentSpaces + "%s:\n%s" % (membraneName, membrane.print(indentSpaces * 2, toString=True, withPrograms=withPrograms)) result += "}\n" if (toString): return result else: print(result)
# end print()
[docs] def openCsvFile(self): """Opens a .csv (Comma Separated Value) file where the values of all variables and enzymes are printed at each simulation step The output file is named using the pattern pep_DAY-MONTH-YEAR_HOUR-MINUTE-SECOND.csv""" self.csvFile = open("pep_%s.csv" % time.strftime("%d-%m-%Y_%H-%M-%S"), mode="w") self.csvFile.write("PeP csv output. Format = STEP_NR VARIABLE_COLUMNS EMPTY_COLUMN ENZYME_COLUMNS\n") self.csvFile.write("step, %s, ,%s\n" % ( ", ".join([ for var in system.variables]), ", ".join([ for enz in system.enzymes])))
# end openCsvFile() # end class NumericalPsystem
[docs]class MembraneStructure(list): """P system membrane structure (list of structural elements)"""
[docs] def __init__(self): list.__init__(self)
# end class MembraneStructure
[docs]class Membrane(): """Membrane class, that can contain other membranes or be part of another membrane :ivar list(Pobject) variables: array of P objects :ivar list(Program) programs: list of Program objects :ivar int|list chosenProgramNr: the program nr that was chosen for execution OR array of chosen program numbers when enzymes are used :ivar double|list(double) newValue: the value that was produced during the previous production phase OR array of values when using enzymes :ivar list(Pobject) enzymes: array of enzyme P objects :ivar Membrane parent: parent membrane (Membrane object) :ivar dict children: map (dictioanry) between String membrane_name: Membrane object """
[docs] def __init__(self, parentMembrane = None): self.variables = [] self.programs = [] self.chosenProgramNr = 0 self.newValue = 0 self.enzymes = [] self.parent = parentMembrane self.children = {}
[docs] def print(self, indentSpaces = 2, toString = False, withPrograms = False) : """Print a membrane with a given indentation level :indentSpaces: number of spaces used for indentation :toString: write to a string instead of stdout :withPrograms: print out the programs from each membrane, along with the membrane variables :returns: string print of the membrane if toString = True otherwise returns None """ result = " " * indentSpaces result += "var = {" for var in self.variables: result += " %s: %.2f, " % (, var.value) result += "}\n" result += " " * indentSpaces + "E = {" for enz in self.enzymes: result += " %s: %.2f, " % (, enz.value) result += "}\n" if (withPrograms): for i, program in enumerate(self.programs): result += " " * indentSpaces + "pr_%d = { %s }\n" % (i, program.print(indentSpaces = 0, toString=True)) if (toString): return result else: print(result)
# end print() # end class Membrane
[docs]class Program(): """Program class :ivar ProductionFunction prodFunction: ProductionFunction object :ivar DistributionFunction distribFunction: DistributionFunction object :ivar Pobject enzyme: Pobject if an enzyme is used for this program """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.prodFunction = None self.distribFunction = None self.enzyme = None
[docs] def print(self, indentSpaces = 2, toString = False) : """Print a program with a given indentation level :indentSpaces: number of spaces used for indentation :toString: write to a string instead of stdout :returns: string print of the rule if toString = True otherwise returns None """ enzymeCondition = " -> " if type(self.enzyme) != Pobject else " [" + " -> ] " result = " " * indentSpaces + self.prodFunction.infixExpression + enzymeCondition + self.distribFunction.expression if (toString): return result else: print(result)
# end print()
[docs] def isActivatedByEnzyme(self): """Checks whether the production function activation condition Enzyme > min(PROD_FUNCTION_VARIABLES) is true :returns: True / False""" minVarValue = None for prodItem in self.prodFunction.items: # only P object variables are considered if (type(prodItem) == Pobject): if (minVarValue == None or minVarValue > prodItem.value): minVarValue = prodItem.value # no variables are present in the production function # so the production function is active if (minVarValue == None): return True # the activation condition holds if (self.enzyme.value > minVarValue): return True return False
# end isActivatedByEnzyme() # end class Program
[docs]class ProductionFunction(): """Production function class that stores expressions using the postfix (reversed polish) form :ivar str infixExpression: string representation of the original expression from the input file (written in infix form) :ivar list postfixStack: stack of operands and operators (auxiliary for postfix form) :ivar list items: list of operands and operators written in postfix (reverse polish) form """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.infixExpression = "" self.postfixStack = [] self.items = []
[docs] def evaluate(self): """Evaluates the postfix form of a production function and returns the computed value. During the evaluation, Pobject references are replaced with their value. :returns: the computed value of the production function, as a numeric value""" self.postfixStack = [] for item in self.items: # numeric values get added on the stack if (type(item) == int or type(item) == float): self.postfixStack.append(item) # the value of Pobjects is added to the stack elif (type(item) == Pobject): self.postfixStack.append(item.value) # mark this Pobject as consummed item.wasConsumed = True # (unary) operators (single parameter functions) require that one value is popped and the result is added back to the stack elif (item == OperatorType.sin): # evaluate the function self.postfixStack.append( math.sin(self.postfixStack.pop()) ) elif (item == OperatorType.sind): # evaluate the function self.postfixStack.append( math.sin(math.radians(self.postfixStack.pop())) ) elif (item == OperatorType.asin): # evaluate the function self.postfixStack.append( math.asin(self.postfixStack.pop()) ) elif (item == OperatorType.asind): # evaluate the function self.postfixStack.append( math.degrees(math.asin(self.postfixStack.pop())) ) elif (item == OperatorType.cos): # evaluate the function self.postfixStack.append( math.cos(self.postfixStack.pop()) ) elif (item == OperatorType.cosd): # evaluate the function self.postfixStack.append( math.cos(math.radians(self.postfixStack.pop())) ) elif (item == OperatorType.acos): # evaluate the function self.postfixStack.append( math.acos(self.postfixStack.pop()) ) elif (item == OperatorType.acosd): # evaluate the function self.postfixStack.append( math.degrees(math.acos(self.postfixStack.pop())) ) elif (item == OperatorType.tan): # evaluate the function self.postfixStack.append( math.tan(self.postfixStack.pop()) ) elif (item == OperatorType.tand): # evaluate the function self.postfixStack.append( math.tan(math.radians(self.postfixStack.pop())) ) elif (item == OperatorType.atan): # evaluate the function self.postfixStack.append( math.atan(self.postfixStack.pop()) ) elif (item == OperatorType.atand): # evaluate the function self.postfixStack.append( math.degrees(math.atan(self.postfixStack.pop())) ) elif (item == OperatorType.cot): # determine cot() from tan() self.postfixStack.append( 1 / math.tan(self.postfixStack.pop()) ) elif (item == OperatorType.cotd): # evaluate the function # determine cot() from tan() self.postfixStack.append( 1 / math.tan(math.radians(self.postfixStack.pop())) ) elif (item == OperatorType.acot): # evaluate the function self.postfixStack.append( math.atan(1 / self.postfixStack.pop()) ) elif (item == OperatorType.acotd): # evaluate the function self.postfixStack.append( math.degrees(math.atan(1 / self.postfixStack.pop())) ) elif (item == OperatorType.sqrt): # evaluate the function self.postfixStack.append( math.sqrt(self.postfixStack.pop()) ) elif (item == OperatorType.abs): # evaluate the function self.postfixStack.append( math.fabs(self.postfixStack.pop()) ) elif (item == OperatorType.log): # evaluate the function self.postfixStack.append( math.log(self.postfixStack.pop()) ) elif (item == OperatorType.log10): # evaluate the function self.postfixStack.append( math.log10(self.postfixStack.pop()) ) elif (item == OperatorType.log2): # evaluate the function self.postfixStack.append( math.log2(self.postfixStack.pop()) ) # order-dependent binary functions require that the operand order be opposite from that of the stack pop operation elif (item == OperatorType.atan2): op2 = self.postfixStack.pop() op1 = self.postfixStack.pop() # apply the operator self.postfixStack.append( math.atan2(op1, op2) ) elif (item == OperatorType.atan2d): op2 = self.postfixStack.pop() op1 = self.postfixStack.pop() # apply the operator self.postfixStack.append( math.degrees(math.atan2(op1, op2)) ) # (binary) operators require that two values are popped and the result is added back to the stack elif (item == OperatorType.add): # apply the operator self.postfixStack.append(self.postfixStack.pop() + self.postfixStack.pop()) elif (item == OperatorType.multiply): # apply the operator self.postfixStack.append(self.postfixStack.pop() * self.postfixStack.pop()) # order-dependent operators (- / ^ < <= > >=) require that the operand order be opposite from that of the stack pop operation elif (item == OperatorType.subtract): op2 = self.postfixStack.pop() op1 = self.postfixStack.pop() # apply the operator self.postfixStack.append(op1 - op2) elif (item == OperatorType.negate): # return the same value but with the sign reversed self.postfixStack.append( -self.postfixStack.pop() ) elif (item == OperatorType.divide): op2 = self.postfixStack.pop() op1 = self.postfixStack.pop() # apply the operator self.postfixStack.append(op1 / op2) elif (item == OperatorType.power): op2 = self.postfixStack.pop() op1 = self.postfixStack.pop() # apply the operator self.postfixStack.append(op1 ** op2) elif (item == OperatorType.eq): op2 = self.postfixStack.pop() op1 = self.postfixStack.pop() # apply the operator self.postfixStack.append(int(op1 == op2)) elif (item == op2 = self.postfixStack.pop() op1 = self.postfixStack.pop() # apply the operator self.postfixStack.append(int(op1 != op2)) elif (item == op2 = self.postfixStack.pop() op1 = self.postfixStack.pop() # apply the operator self.postfixStack.append(int(op1 < op2)) elif (item == OperatorType.le): op2 = self.postfixStack.pop() op1 = self.postfixStack.pop() # apply the operator self.postfixStack.append(int(op1 <= op2)) elif (item == op2 = self.postfixStack.pop() op1 = self.postfixStack.pop() # apply the operator self.postfixStack.append(int(op1 > op2)) elif (item == op2 = self.postfixStack.pop() op1 = self.postfixStack.pop() # apply the operator self.postfixStack.append(int(op1 >= op2)) logging.debug("postfixStack = %s" % self.postfixStack) if (len(self.postfixStack) > 1): raise RuntimeError('evaluation error / wrong number of operands or operators') return self.postfixStack[0]
# end evaluate() # end class ProductionFunction
[docs]class DistributionFunction(list): """Distribution function class (list of distribution rules) :ivar int proportionTotal: the sum of all proportions :ivar str expression: string representation of the distribution function """
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initialize the underling list used to store rules""" list.__init__(self) self.proportionTotal = 0 self.expression = ""
[docs] def distribute(self, newValue): """Update the variables referenced in the distribution rules according to the specified proportions :newValue: a value that has to be distributed to the variables based on the proportions specified in the distribution rules""" for distribRule in self: distribRule.variable.value += (distribRule.proportion / self.proportionTotal) * newValue
# end distribute() # end class DistributionFunction
[docs]class DistributionRule(): """Class for the distribution rules that make up a program, together with the production rules :ivar int proportion: :ivar Pobject variable: """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.proportion = 0 self.variable = None
[docs] def print(self, indentSpaces = 2, toString = False) : """Print a distribution rule with a given indentation level :indentSpaces: number of spaces used for indentation :toString: write to a string instead of stdout :returns: string print of the rule if toString = True otherwise returns None """ # PROPORTION | VAR_NAME result = " " * indentSpaces + "%d|%s" % ( self.proportion, if (toString): return result else: print(result)
# end print() # end class DistributionRule
[docs]class Pobject(): """Mutable objects that are needed in order to allow all membranes that use the P object to globally modify the object :ivar str name: :ivar double value: :ivar boolean wasConsumed: was consumed in production function """
[docs] def __init__(self, name = '', value = 0): = name self.value = value self.wasConsumed = False
# end class Pobject ########################################################################## # global variables logLevel = logging.INFO ########################################################################## # auxiliary functions
[docs]def processPostfixOperator(postfixStack, operator): """Compares the provided operator with a postfix stack to determine where to place a new operator (output list or stack) :postfixStack: stack used for operators :operator: OperatorType variable :returns: postfixStack, outputList - outputList == array of OperatorType elements that have been popped from the stack""" outputList = [] # if the operator has a higher precedence than the symbol at the top of the stack, if (len(postfixStack) > 0 and operator > postfixStack[-1]): # operator is pushed onto the stack postfixStack.append(operator) # If the precedence of the symbol being scanned is lower than or equal to the precedence of the symbol at the top of the stack, elif (len(postfixStack) > 0 and operator <= postfixStack[-1]): # one element of the stack is popped to the output; outputList.append(postfixStack.pop()) # the scan pointer is not advanced. Instead, the symbol being scanned will be compared with the new top element on the stack. newPostfixStack, newOutputList = processPostfixOperator(postfixStack, operator) postfixStack = newPostfixStack outputList.extend(newOutputList) # if the stack is empty elif (len(postfixStack) == 0): postfixStack.append(operator) return postfixStack, outputList
# end processPostfixOperator()
[docs]def tokenize(code): """ generate a token list of input text adapted from""" # ORDER MATTERS here: more complex tokens (e.g. >= are checked before >) to avoid incorect parsing token_specification = [ ('FUNCTION_ASIND', r'asind'), # trigonometric function 'asin (x)' with output in degrees ('FUNCTION_ASIN', r'asin'), # trigonometric function 'asin (x)' with output in radians ('FUNCTION_SIND', r'sind'), # trigonometric function 'sin (x)' with input in degrees ('FUNCTION_SIN', r'sin'), # trigonometric function 'sin (x)' with input in radians ('FUNCTION_ACOSD', r'acosd'), # trigonometric function 'acos (x)' with output in degrees ('FUNCTION_ACOS', r'acos'), # trigonometric function 'acos (x)' with output in radians ('FUNCTION_COSD', r'cosd'), # trigonometric function 'cos (x)' with input in degrees ('FUNCTION_COS', r'cos'), # trigonometric function 'cos (x)' with input in radians ('FUNCTION_ATAN2D', r'atan2d'), # trigonometric function 'atan2 (y, x)' with output in degrees ('FUNCTION_ATAN2', r'atan2'), # trigonometric function 'atan2 (y, x)' with output in radians ('FUNCTION_ATAND', r'atand'), # trigonometric function 'atan (x)' with output in degrees ('FUNCTION_ATAN', r'atan'), # trigonometric function 'atan (x)' with output in radians ('FUNCTION_TAND', r'tand'), # trigonometric function 'tan (x)' with input in degrees ('FUNCTION_TAN', r'tan'), # trigonometric function 'tan (x)' with input in radians ('FUNCTION_ACOTD', r'acotd'), # trigonometric function 'acot (x)' with output in degrees ('FUNCTION_ACOT', r'acot'), # trigonometric function 'acot (x)' with output in radians ('FUNCTION_COTD', r'cotd'), # trigonometric function 'cot (x)' with input in degrees ('FUNCTION_COT', r'cot'), # trigonometric function 'cot (x)' with input in radians ('FUNCTION_SQRT', r'sqrt'), # square root function ('FUNCTION_ABS', r'abs'), # absolute value (modulus) function ('FUNCTION_LOG10', r'log10'), # base 10 logarithm function ('FUNCTION_LOG2', r'log2'), # base 2 logarithm function ('FUNCTION_LOG', r'log'), # base e (natural) logarithm function ('NUMBER_FLOAT', r'\d+\.\d+'), # Float number ('NUMBER', r'\d+'), # Integer number ('OPERATOR_NOT_EQUAL', r'\!\='), # Not equal operator (!=) ('OPERATOR_EQUAL', r'\=\='), # Equal operator (==) ('OPERATOR_LESS_EQUAL', r'\<\='), # Less or equal operator (<=) ('OPERATOR_GREATER_EQUAL', r'\>\='),# Greater or equal operator (>=) ('ASSIGN', r'='), # Assignment operator '=' ('END', r';'), # Statement terminator ';' ('ID', r'[\w]+'), # Identifiers ('L_BRACE', r'\('), # Left brace '(' ('R_BRACE', r'\)'), # Right brace ')' ('L_CURLY_BRACE', r'{'), # Left curly brace '{' ('R_CURLY_BRACE', r'}'), # Right curly brace '}' ('L_BRACKET', r'\['), # Left bracket (straight brace) '[' ('R_BRACKET', r'\]'), # Right bracket (straight brace) ']' ('COLUMN', r','), # column ',' ('PROD_DISTRIB_SEPARATOR', r'->'), # Program production and distribution component separator sign '->' ('OPERATOR_ADD', r'\+'), # Addition operator (+) ('OPERATOR_SUBTRACT', r'\-'), # Subtraction operator (-) ('OPERATOR_NEGATE', r'\~'), # Subtraction operator (-) ('OPERATOR_MULTIPLY', r'\*'), # Multiplication operator (*) ('OPERATOR_DIVIDE', r'\/'), # Division operator (/) ('OPERATOR_POWER', r'\^'), # Power operator (^) ('OPERATOR_LESS_THAN', r'\<'), # Less than operator (<) ('OPERATOR_GREATER_THAN', r'\>'), # Greater than operator (>) ('DISTRIBUTION_SIGN', r'\|'), # Distribution rule sign '|' ('NEWLINE', r'\n'), # Line endings ('COMMENT', r'#'), # Comment (anything after #, up to the end of the line is discarded) ('SKIP', r'[ \t]+'), # Skip over spaces and tabs ('MISMATCH', r'.'), # Any other character ] # join all groups into one regex expr; ex:?P<NUMBER>\d+(\.\d*)?) | ... tok_regex = '|'.join('(?P<%s>%s)' % pair for pair in token_specification) line_num = 1 line_start = 0 in_comment = False # iteratively search and return each match (for any of the groups) for mo in re.finditer(tok_regex, code): kind = mo.lastgroup # last group name matched value = # the last matched string (for group kind) #print("kind = %s, value = %s" % (kind, value)) if kind == 'COMMENT': in_comment = True elif kind == 'NEWLINE': line_start = mo.end() line_num += 1 in_comment = False # reset in_comment state elif kind == 'SKIP': pass elif (kind == 'MISMATCH') and (not in_comment): raise RuntimeError('%r unexpected on line %d' % (value, line_num)) else: # skip normal tokens if in comment (cleared at the end of the line) if in_comment: continue column = mo.start() - line_start yield Token(kind, value, line_num, column)
#end tokenize() # end print_token_by_line()
[docs]def process_tokens(tokens, parent, index): """Process tokens recurently and return a P system structure (or a subcomponent of the same type as parent) :tokens: the list of tokens to be processed :parent: an object that represents the type of the result :index: the start index in the list of tokens :returns: index - the current index in the token list (after finishing this component) :returns: result - an object that is the result of processing the input parent and tokens """ logging.debug("process_tokens (parent_type = %s, index = %d)" % (type(parent), index)) result = parent # construct the result of specified type prev_token = tokens[index] # for processing distribution rules distribRule = None while (index < len(tokens)): token = tokens[index] logging.debug("token = '%s'" % token.value) if (type(parent) == NumericalPsystem): logging.debug("processing as NumericalPsystem") if (token.type == 'ASSIGN'): if (prev_token.value == 'H'):"building membrane list"); index, result.H = process_tokens(tokens, list(), index + 1); # if the prev_token is the name of a membrane elif (prev_token.value in result.H):"building Membrane"); index, result.membranes[prev_token.value] = process_tokens(tokens, Membrane(), index + 1); elif (prev_token.value == 'structure'):"building membrane structure"); index, result.structure = process_tokens(tokens, MembraneStructure(), index + 1); else: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected token '%s' on line %d" % (prev_token.value, prev_token.line)) # end if parent == NumericalPsystem elif (type(parent) == MembraneStructure): logging.debug("processing as MembraneStructure") if (token.type in ('ID', 'NUMBER', 'L_BRACKET', 'R_BRACKET')): parent.append(token) elif (token.type == 'END'): logging.debug("finished the MembraneStructure with result = %s" % result) return index, result; else: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected token '%s' on line %d" % (token.value, token.line)) # end if parent == MembraneStructure elif (type(parent) == Membrane): logging.debug("processing as Membrane") if (token.type == 'ASSIGN'): if (prev_token.value == 'var'):"building variable list"); index, variables = process_tokens(tokens, list(), index + 1); for var in variables: result.variables.append(Pobject(name = var)) elif (prev_token.value == 'E'):"building enzyme list"); index, enzymes = process_tokens(tokens, list(), index + 1); for enz in enzymes: result.enzymes.append(Pobject(name = enz)) elif (prev_token.value == 'pr'):"building Program"); index, program = process_tokens(tokens, Program(), index + 1); result.programs.append(program) elif (prev_token.value == 'var0'):"building var0 list"); index, variables = process_tokens(tokens, list(), index + 1); for i, var in enumerate(variables): result.variables[i].value = var elif (prev_token.value == 'E0'):"building E0 list"); index, enzymes = process_tokens(tokens, list(), index + 1); for i, enz in enumerate(enzymes): result.enzymes[i].value = enz else: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected token '%s' on line %d" % (token.value, token.line)) # end if parent == Membrane elif (type(parent) == Program): logging.debug("processing as Program") if (token.type == 'L_CURLY_BRACE'):"building production function"); index, result.prodFunction = process_tokens(tokens, ProductionFunction(), index + 1); elif (token.type == 'L_BRACKET'):"storing enzyme required by program"); if (tokens[index + 1].type == 'ID'): # storing enzyme as string for now, will be referenced later to a Pobject result.enzyme = tokens[index + 1].value index += 2 else: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected token '%s' on line %d" % (token.value, token.line)) # build a distribution rule if the PROD_DISTRIB_SEPARATOR '|' is reached for a non-enzymatic program or R_BRACKET ']' is reached for an enzymatic program elif ((token.type == 'PROD_DISTRIB_SEPARATOR' and result.enzyme == None) or (token.type == 'R_BRACKET' and type(result.enzyme) == str)):"building distribution rule"); index, result.distribFunction = process_tokens(tokens, DistributionFunction(), index + 1); elif (token.type == 'R_CURLY_BRACE'): logging.debug("finished this Program with result = %s" % result) return index, result; elif (token.type == 'END'): logging.debug("finished this block with result = %s" % result) return index, result; else: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected token '%s' on line %d" % (token.value, token.line)) # end if parent == Program elif (type(parent) == ProductionFunction): logging.debug("processing as ProductionFunction") # construct a string representation of the expression (in infix form) if (token.type != 'PROD_DISTRIB_SEPARATOR' and token.type != 'L_BRACKET'): result.infixExpression += " " + token.value if (token.type == 'NUMBER'): logging.debug("processing integer number") result.items.append(int(token.value)) elif (token.type == 'NUMBER_FLOAT'): logging.debug("processing float number") result.items.append(float(token.value)) elif (token.type == 'ID'): logging.debug("processing variable") result.items.append(token.value) # store as string for now, reference to real P object later elif (token.type == 'L_BRACE'): logging.debug("processing operator %s" % token.value) # add the current operator to the postfix transformation result.postfixStack.append(OperatorType.left_brace) elif (token.type == 'R_BRACE'): logging.debug("processing operator %s" % token.value) # pop all elements in the stack up until the left brace and add them to the postfix form while (result.postfixStack[-1] != OperatorType.left_brace): op = result.postfixStack.pop() # append all popped operators result.items.append(op) # now that all elements that were above the left_brace were removed, we pop the left_brace (now the top-most element) from the stack result.postfixStack.pop() elif (token.type in dictOperatorTypes.keys()): logging.debug("processing operator %s" % token.value) # current operator as OperatorType enum value currentOperator = dictOperatorTypes[token.type] result.postfixStack, newOutputList = processPostfixOperator(result.postfixStack, currentOperator) result.items.extend(newOutputList) elif (token.type == 'PROD_DISTRIB_SEPARATOR' or token.type == 'L_BRACKET'): logging.debug("production function end; emptying stack") # pop all elements in the stack while (len(result.postfixStack) > 0): result.items.append(result.postfixStack.pop()) logging.debug("finished the production function with result = %s" % result.items) result.infixExpression = result.infixExpression[1:] # strip the first character (leading space) # the Program should also see PROD_DISTRIB_SEPARATOR or L_BRACKET in order to trigger the build of a distribution function or to store an enzyme for this program return index-1, result; elif (token.type == 'L_CURLY_BRACE'): logging.debug("skipped left curly brace") # continue to next token prev_token = token; index += 1 continue else: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected token '%s' on line %d" % (token.value, token.line)) # end if parent == ProductionFunction elif (type(parent) == DistributionFunction): logging.debug("processing as DistributionFunction") if (token.type == 'NUMBER'): # construct a new distribution rule distribRule = DistributionRule() distribRule.proportion = int(token.value) result.expression += " " + token.value elif (token.type == 'ID' and prev_token.type == "DISTRIBUTION_SIGN"): # finalize the distribution rule distribRule.variable = token.value # store as string for now, reference later result.proportionTotal += distribRule.proportion result.append(distribRule) # store the new distribution rule result.expression += token.value # is used to separate rules, not needed elif (token.type == 'OPERATOR_ADD'): result.expression += " " + token.value logging.debug("skipped '+'") # continue to next token prev_token = token; index += 1 continue # is used to separate the proportion from the variable, not needed elif (token.type == "DISTRIBUTION_SIGN"): result.expression += token.value logging.debug("skipped '|'") # continue to next token prev_token = token; index += 1 continue elif (token.type == 'R_CURLY_BRACE'): logging.debug("finished this DistributionFunction with result = %s" % result) result.expression = result.expression[1:] # strip the first character (leading space) return index, result; else: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected token '%s' on line %d" % (token.value, token.line)) # end if parent == DistributionFunction elif (type(parent) == DistributionRule): logging.debug("processing as DistributionRule") if (token.type == 'R_CURLY_BRACE'): logging.debug("finished this DistributionRule with result = %s" % result) return index, result; # end if parent == DistributionRule elif (type(parent) == list): logging.debug("processing as List") if (token.type == 'ID'): result.append(token.value); elif (token.type == 'NUMBER'): if (prev_token.type == 'OPERATOR_SUBTRACT'): result.append(-int(token.value)); else: result.append(int(token.value)); elif (token.type == 'NUMBER_FLOAT'): if (prev_token.type == 'OPERATOR_SUBTRACT'): result.append(-float(token.value)); else: result.append(float(token.value)); elif (type(parent) == str): logging.debug("processing as Str") if (token.type == 'ID'): result = token.value; elif (type(parent) == int): logging.debug("processing as Int") if (token.type == 'NUMBER'): result = int(token.value); else: logging.debug("processing as GENERAL") # process the token generally if (token.type == 'ASSIGN'):"building NumericalPsystem") index, result = process_tokens(tokens, NumericalPsystem(), index + 1); if (token.type == 'END'): logging.debug("finished this block with result = %s" % result) return index, result; prev_token = token; index += 1 return index, result
#end process_tokens
[docs]def readInputFile(filename, printTokens = False): """parses the given input file and produces a P system object :filename: string path to the file that will be parsed :returns: P system object""""reading input file") with open(filename) as file_in: lines = "".join(file_in.readlines()); # construct array of tokens for later use tokens = [token for token in tokenize(lines)]; if (printTokens): print_token_by_line(tokens); print("\n\n"); index, system = process_tokens(tokens, None, 0) logging.debug("constructing a global list of variables used in the entire P system") for membrane in system.membranes.values(): for var in membrane.variables: if var not in system.variables: system.variables.append(var) logging.debug("constructing a global list of enzymes used in the entire P system") for membrane in system.membranes.values(): for enz in membrane.enzymes: if enz not in system.enzymes: system.enzymes.append(enz) logging.debug("cross-referencing string identifiers of VARIABLES to the corresponding Pobject instance") # cross-reference string identifiers with references to Pobject instances for var in system.variables: for (membrane_name, membrane) in system.membranes.items(): logging.debug("processing membrane %s" % membrane_name) for pr in membrane.programs: # replacing in production function for i, item in enumerate(pr.prodFunction.items[:]): if ( == item): logging.debug("replacing '%s' in production function" % item) # string value is replaced with a Pobject reference pr.prodFunction.items[i] = var # replacing in distribution function for i, distribRule in enumerate(pr.distribFunction): if ( == distribRule.variable): logging.debug("replacing '%s' in distribution function" % distribRule.variable) # string value is replaced with a Pobject reference distribRule.variable = var logging.debug("cross-referencing string identifiers of ENZYMES to the corresponding Pobject instance") # cross-reference string identifiers with references to Pobject instances for enz in system.enzymes: for (membrane_name, membrane) in system.membranes.items(): logging.debug("processing membrane %s" % membrane_name) for prg_nr, pr in enumerate(membrane.programs): # replace the program enzyme name with reference if ( == pr.enzyme): logging.debug("replacing '%s' as program %d enzyme" % (, prg_nr)) pr.enzyme = enz # replacing in production function for i, item in enumerate(pr.prodFunction.items[:]): if ( == item): logging.debug("replacing '%s' in production function" % item) # string value is replaced with a Pobject reference pr.prodFunction.items[i] = enz # replacing in distribution function for i, distribRule in enumerate(pr.distribFunction): if ( == distribRule.variable): logging.debug("replacing '%s' in distribution function" % distribRule.variable) # string value is replaced with a Pobject reference distribRule.variable = enz logging.debug("Constructing the internal membrane structure of the P system") # construct a tree representation of the P system for use for e.g. in membrane dissolution rules # starting from a list of tokens: structure = [1[2]2[3]3]1 currentMembrane = None prev_token = system.structure[0] # iteration starts from the second token (system.structure[1]) for token in system.structure[1:]: if (token.type in ('ID', 'NUMBER')): # a new branch should be created if (prev_token.type == 'L_BRACKET'): if (currentMembrane == None): currentMembrane = system.membranes[token.value] else: # create a new child membrane currentMembrane.children[token.value] = system.membranes[token.value] # retain the child membrane's parent currentMembrane.children[token.value].parent = currentMembrane currentMembrane = currentMembrane.children[token.value] # a branch should be closed and move one level up elif (prev_token.type == 'R_BRACKET'): currentMembrane = currentMembrane.parent # store previous token prev_token = token return system
# end readinputfile() ########################################################################## # MAIN if (__name__ == "__main__"): import sys # for argv if ('--debug' in sys.argv or '-v' in sys.argv): logLevel = logging.DEBUG elif ('--error' in sys.argv or '-v0' in sys.argv): logLevel = logging.ERROR try: import colorlog # colors log output formatter = colorlog.ColoredFormatter( "%(log_color)s%(levelname)-8s %(message)s %(reset)s", datefmt=None, reset=True, log_colors={ 'DEBUG': 'cyan', 'INFO': 'green', 'WARNING': 'yellow', 'ERROR': 'red', 'CRITICAL': 'red,bg_white', }, secondary_log_colors={}, style='%' ) colorlog.basicConfig(stream = sys.stdout, level = logLevel) stream = colorlog.root.handlers[0] stream.setFormatter(formatter); # colorlog not available except ImportError: logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level = logLevel) if (len(sys.argv) < 2): logging.error("Expected input file path as parameter") print("Usage: PEP_INPUT_FILE [options]") print(" [options] can be:") print(" * -n NR: stop the simulation after NR execution steps") print(" * --step: step-by-step execution") print(" * --csv: write a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file that contains the values of all Pobjects at each simulation step") print(" * -v | --debug: increase verbosity") print(" * -v0 | --error: decrease verbosity") exit(1) # step by step simulation step = False if ('--step' in sys.argv): step = True # nr of simulation steps nrSteps = -2 # -2 == undefined, -1 == unlimited if ('-n' in sys.argv): try: nrSteps = int(sys.argv[sys.argv.index('-n') + 1]) except (ValueError, IndexError): logging.error("Expected a number (of simulation steps) after the '-n' parameter") finally: # if nrSteps still is undefined (-2) if (nrSteps == -2): exit(1) system = readInputFile(sys.argv[1]) if ("--csv" in sys.argv): system.openCsvFile() if (logLevel <= logging.WARNING): # print the structure of the P system system.print(indentSpaces=4, withPrograms = True) system.simulate(stepByStepConfirm = step, maxSteps = nrSteps) if (system.csvFile != None):"Wrote csv output file %s" % system.csvFile.close() print("\n\n");